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January 20, 2024 - January 21, 2024
Coastal Winter Steelhead Outing, January 20 – 21
Several of my favorite places to fish during the winter months are streams along the Southern-Oregon Coast. The Rogue River, Chetco River, Winchuck River, Hunter Creek, and others can offer great fishing for winter steelhead. These streams range from small creeks to large rivers, and offer fly fishers options from drifting flies through small pockets to swinging flies through broad runs.
The Rogue Flyfishers and the Southern Oregon Fly Fishers are planning a joint outing to the coast on January 20 and 21, to fish for winter steelhead. We will base the outing out of Brookings, which has a good variety of motels, RV parks, and restaurants. The specific streams we fish will depend on the conditions at the time. Participants should bring equipment for both swinging and dead-drifting flies. For swinging flies, a seven or eight-weight Spey rod with a Skagit head and a variety of sink tips would work well. A single-handed eight-weight rod would be ideal for fishing the smaller streams. Bring a variety of intruder-style flies, from bright to somber, for swinging, as well as egg patterns, large nymphs, and egg-sucking leeches for dead-drifting. The winter steelhead on the coastal streams can be large, so 10 to 15-pound leader would be appropriate. Be sure to bring waders, a wading staff, raingear, and warm clothing. You will need to have a Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validation in addition to your Angling License and Combined Angling Tag. We will focus on areas that offer good opportunities for fishing from the bank; however, the lower Rogue and Chetco Rivers do offer good opportunities for those that want to fish from their driftboats or rafts.
People interested in attending the outing should email me at by January 15 to get on the list. Just prior to the outing, I will make a decision about what streams we will fish and when and where we will meet, or if we need to postpone the outing due to weather or water conditions, and I will send out that information to the people who have signed up.
David Haight, Outings Chair